Packing Essentials for Your First RV Trip

With camping and RV sales up 400% in 2021, many people are buying RVs in order to vacation safely in these unconventional times. A fun way to see the country and unplug, the RV lifestyle is proving to be great for families, couples, and single travelers alike. If you’re considering buying an RV, taking your first RV trip, or even going along with a friend on their RV travels, there are certain things you’ll want to pack to be sure your trip is as successful as possible. From ice makers and pounds of ice to the right sleeping bags and packing cubes, if you’re looking for must-have items on your first recreational vehicle road trip, read on.

Ice Makers and Food Storage


After a long hike, few things feel as great as a cold glass of water with good ice to cool you down. For this reason, it’s a good idea to look into the portable ice makers on the market before heading out on the road. Having a portable ice maker in your vehicle will mean cooler hot days and less trips to the convenience store to keep coolers chill.

When considering a portable ice maker for your trip, you’ll also want to think about other food storage considerations. From baggies, wraps, and foils to keep your food fresh to plates, cups, and napkins, it’s a good idea to take an inventory of what you have in your rig and pick it up before leaving for your trip. Being prepared will mean you aren’t spending hours looking around for supplies you could have easily brought from home.

Many find it’s best to do some grocery shopping before leaving for your trip, too. While there, consider picking up firewood and supplies for s’mores.

Coupons for Destinations


No matter where your final destination is, it’s always nice to get discounts. Before you leave for your trip, do what you can to print out some travel coupons. Even if you aren’t sure where you’ll land or what your exact plans are, knowing you have hotel coupons and are up to speed on Airbnb deals will give you peace of mind during your travels. While you may be planning to stay in your rig, things can change on the road. Bad weather or a change of events could have you seeking other accommodations, and being prepared is a great way to go.

While looking for discounts, be sure to look up a few unique destinations, too. Perhaps you’ll be traveling on specific roads. Checking out roadside attractions along your route is a great way to break up your trip. When in doubt, check with each state’s official website for things to do.

An Open Mind and Back-Up Plan


If you suffer from wanderlust, you already know that part of travel is about the adventure. Leaving for your trip with an open mind is a surefire way to have a great time that you’ll remember forever. While it’s smart to have a final landing spot, it’s also a good idea to be flexible along the way. Especially while traveling during the pandemic, you may find yourself in the position of making changes as you go. Being okay with this ahead of time will ensure a better trip.

At the end of the day, whether you opt for a cooler or Magic Chef stainless steel freezer for your trip, having a plan before you leave will ensure your comfort on the road. As you consider items you’ll bring to make your trip the best it can be, don’t forget to keep an eye on those savvy shopper coupon sites — you’ll thank yourself for it down the road. Happy travels to you! Don’t forget to pack your camera.