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3 Powerful Approaches for Living a Spontaneous Life

Are you tired of the same everyday mundane routine? Do you find yourself coming up with every excuse not to take that risk or go on that trip? If so, then you may find yourself seeking to push away those fears and doubts and embrace a more spontaneous lifestyle. By choosing to lead a more spontaneous life, you can break old habits, find surprises, and make more meaningful memories.

If you want to stop second-guessing and start living, then here are a few different approaches to changing your mentality:

Get out of your comfort zone.

The first step to living your life with a little more spontaneity is to embrace opportunities that will get you to fight your fears and push yourself out of your comfort zone. You may tend to analyze every new opportunity by imagining everything that could go wrong and coming up with excuses to keep yourself from taking chances. If you stop saying no to the things that scare you, slowly you will realize that it is those risky decisions in life that will yield the greatest reward. You never know where a new chance opportunity could lead you, and it’s important to suppress the thoughts that make you overthink everything. Whether it is something as small as taking that weekend trip with your friends to a foreign place or going on a blind date, or something as big as moving to a new city or starting a new job, the more you push yourself out of your comfort zone, the happier you will be.

Fight your doubts.

The best way to lead a more spontaneous lifestyle is by ensuring that there are no excuses or doubts for taking that risk. Start to be the friend that plans day trips and getaways. If you are the one to book the place you and your friends will lodge, then you will make yourself accountable for actually following through. Make spontaneous opportunities in your life as easy as possible for yourself. If you wish you seized more travel opportunities, have easy wear travel clothes always on hand in your closet. Tuck away those work blazers and suits and have handy an assortment of lightweight apparel for any season and climate.

No need for stylish travel clothes; invest in a wrinkle-resistant, quick-drying travel wardrobe that you can throw in a suitcase and wear on a long flight. Your trip could include outdoor activities like hikes or just lounging by the pool; regardless, you want to avoid planning and be prepared for anything. Whether you are going on a beach resort vacation in the Caribbean or a b&b stay to a small New England town, keep your carry-on by your front door to always remind yourself of the adventure that awaits you right outside.

Don’t be afraid to fail.

Even if accepting spontaneous proposals don’t turn out the way you wanted every time, you know that you have created new memories regardless. No matter what happens, you can always keep yourself motivated by reciting positive mantras every day and reminding yourself the reward is greater than the risk. Stop coming up with excuses, find every opportunity to escape the mundane 9-5 by researching ways on how to budget for a weekend getaway, and thus enjoy more of your free time out of the year.

The greatest lessons you can learn in life are those failures you experience on your way to success. It is only through some experimenting that we learn how to truly enjoy life to the fullest. Once you accept that you can’t control or plan everything then you will lead a more fruitful, spontaneous life.

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